Nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein

内蒂·史蒂文斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Nettie Maria Stevens (July 7, – May 4, ) [1] was an American geneticist who discovered sex chromosomes. In , soon after the rediscovery of Mendel's paper on genetics in , she observed that male mealworms produced two kinds of sperm, one with a large chromosome and one with a small chromosome. When the sperm with the large.
  • Nettie Sevens - Scientific Work of Miss N.M. Stevens by ...

  • Nettie Stevens | Discoverer of Sex Chromosomes - Illustrated ...

  • Nettie Sevens - Scientific Work of Miss N.M. Stevens by ...

  • Nettie Stevens (born July 7, , Cavendish, Vermont, U.S.—died May 4, , Baltimore, Maryland) was an American biologist and geneticist who was one of the first scientists to find that sex is determined by a particular configuration of chromosomes.
  • Nettie Maria Stevens (1861-1912) | Embryo Project Encyclopedia

    Nettie Maria Stevens (7 Jul - 4 May ) American geneticist who found that sex is determined by a single difference between two classes of sperm—the presence or absence of an X chromosome.

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    1. Nettie Stevens discovered that an organism's sex is determined by its chromosomes – now known as the XY sex-determination system.
    Nettie Stevens's revolutionary report offered definitive evidence demonstrating that the X and Y chromosomes were associated with sex determination. In , Carnegie Science was just one year old, and its funding procedures were still in the formative phase.
      American geneticist who found that sex is determined by a single difference between two classes of sperm—the presence or absence of an X chromosome.
    By experimenting on germ cells, cytologist Nettie Maria Stevens collected evidence to support the connection between heredity and the sex of offspring. Stevens was able to interpret her data to conclude that chromosomes have a role in sex determination during development.

    Nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein4

    Stevens studied morphology, the study of the forms of living organisms, and cytology, the study of the structure and function of plant and animal cells. Her research focused on sex determination, how biological sex and sex characteristics are determined in organisms.


      One of the first American women to achieve rec- ognition for her contributions to scientific research was Nettie Maria Stevens, whose investigations in cyto- genetics and embryology added greatly to the body of scientific facts and reflected a major interpretive achievement.

    Nettie Stevens | Discoverer of Sex Chromosomes - Illustrated ...

    玛丽亚·史蒂文斯(英語: Nettie Maria Stevens ,年7月7日—年5月4日)是早期的美国 遗传学家。 年,她与埃德蒙·比彻·威尔逊()首先(独立 [1] )正确提出了染色体与具体性状的关系。.

      Hidden Histories: Nettie Stevens – Yale Scientific Magazine

    Nettie Maria Stevens was an American geneticist who discovered sex chromosomes. In , soon after the rediscovery of Mendel's paper on genetics in , she observed that male mealworms produced two kinds of sperm, one with a large chromosome and one with a small chromosome.

    Nettie Stevens – Wikipedia

    Posthumously, Stevens was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in , and on May 5, , Westfield State University honoured Stevens by naming the Dr. Nettie Stevens Science and Innovation Center.
    Nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein Nettie Maria Stevens was an American geneticist who discovered sex chromosomes.
    Nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein for kids Nettie Stevens, in full Nettie Maria Stevens, was an American biologist and geneticist.
    Biography of albert einstein summary Nettie Stevens, 1861-1912.
    Nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein scientist Nettie Stevens was an American geneticist who discovered a crucial part of our modern understanding of genetics: the existence of sex.
  • nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein2 Nettie Maria Stevens (7. juli – 4. maj ) [1] bila je američka genetičarka koja je otkrila spolne hromosome. Godine , ubrzo nakon ponovnog otkrića rezultata Mendelovih istraživanja o genetici godine, primijetila je da muški crvi brašnara proizvode dva tip spermatozoida, jedan sa velikim hromosomom i jedan sa malim.
  • nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein3 Nettie Stevens () fue una importante científica y genetista de principios del siglo XX, conocida principalmente por ser una de las primeras investigadoras en describir y concretar las bases cromosómicas que determinan el sexo en las especies.
  • Nettie Stevens: quién fue, biografía y aportes a la ciencia Nettie Maria Stevens, född 7 juli i Cavendish i Vermont i USA, död 4 maj , var en amerikansk genetiker. Hon och Edmund Beecher Wilson var de första forskarna som beskrev kromosomer som grund i system för könsbestämning, även om de forskade oberoende av varandra.
  • nettie maria stevens biography of albert einstein